Несмотря на то, что построены по типу армии. внутренние войска МВД России в состав Российской армии не входят. Структурно внутренние войска входят в систему МВД России. В отличие от армии. задачей внутренних войск МВД России является поддержание конституционного строя и общественного порядка внутри страны (в отличие от армии, которая призвана оборонять страну от внешнего врага). Однако в случае посягательства на суверенитет государства извне (пограничный вооруженный конфликт, агрессия со стороны другого государства), внутренние войска привлекаются к отражению агрессии совместно с армией и пограничными войсками в составе Вооружённых Сил России под руководством Верховного Главнокомандующего ВС России.
3 гв. ОБрСпН ГРУ ГШ МО (в/ч:21208, ранее 83149)
3-я гвардейская отдельная Варшавско-Берлинская Краснознаменная ордена Суворова III степени бригада специального назначения . (Самара, ПрУВО) (В/Ч 21208, ранее В/Ч 83149)
Сформирована в 1966 г. Директивой Главнокомандующего Группой Советских войск в Германии на фондах 26-го отдельного батальона специального назначения в гарнизоне Вердер с участием кадров 27-го отдельного батальона СпН Северной Группы войск, 48 и 166 отдельных разведывательных батальонов.
За время существования бригады ею командовали:
гв. полковник Гришаков Алексей Николаевич 11.1966-09.1971
гв. полковник Ятченко Николай Михайлович 09.1971-11.1975
гв. полковник Жаров Олег Михайлович 11.1975-09.1978
гв. полковник Большаков Вячеслав Иванович 09.1978-11.1983
В Самаре спецслужбы провели учения по пресечению террористического акта на спортивном объекте с массовым пребыванием граждан
Важные новости
10 летательных аппаратов, так и не увидевших свет
8 новых необычных таблеток, способных изменить традиционную медицину
В Самарской области на 1000 деревец стало больше
В рамках введенного руководителем оперативного штаба проведены мероприятия по освобождению условных заложников, находившихся во Дворце спорта, а также задержанию условных террористов и их пособников, пытавшихся скрыться на акватории реки Волга.
Как сообщается в сообщении пресс-службы Управления ФСБ России по Самарской области, в соответствии с «Планом проведения антитеррористических учений на год», утвержденным председателем Национального антитеррористичес-кого комитета - директором ФСБ России генералом армии Бортниковым А.В. 16-22 сентября года оперативным штабом в Самарской области проведено тактико-специальное учение (ТСУ) на территории г.о. Самара по теме: «Организация и проведение мероприятий по пресечению террористического акта на спортивном объекте с массовым пребыванием граждан».
К участию в ТСУ были привлечены силы и средства УФСБ, ГУ МВД, ГУ МЧС, УФСКН по Самарской области, Средневолжского ЛУ МВД России на транспорте, в/ч 5599 ВВ МВД России, ЦССИ ФСО России в Самарской области, ГБУЗ «Самарский областной центр медицины катастроф и скорой медицинской помощи», ГКУ «Поисково-спасательная служба Самарской области», Самарского филиала ФГУП «Радиочастотный центр ПФО», представители администрации г.о. Самара.
В ходе первого этапа ТСУ правоохранительными органами осуществлен комплекс оперативно-розыскных и оперативно-боевых мероприятий по поиску и нейтрализации учебных диверсионно-террористических групп, действовавших на территории г.о.Самара. В результате совместных мероприятий условные преступники, планировавшие террористические акты на спортивных объектах, установлены и обезврежены.
На втором этапе, согласно замыслу учения, вооруженные условные террористы захватили условных заложников в здании Дворца спорта Государственного автономного учреждения Самарской области «Организационный центр спортивных мероприятий» Министерства спорта Самарской области.
В рамках введенного руководителем оперативного штаба – начальником УФСБ России по Самарской области режима контртеррористической операции межведомственной группировкой сил и средств оперативного штаба проведены мероприятия по освобождению условных заложников, находившихся во Дворце спорта, а также задержанию условных террористов и их пособников, пытавшихся скрыться на акватории реки Волга.
Участвовавшие в учении правоохранительные органы и взаимодействующие ведомства продемонстрировали высокий уровень готовности к пресечению террористических угроз.
Министерство Внутренних Дел (МВД)
Приемная МВД России
тел: +7(495) 667-45-79
г. Москва, ул.Садовая-Сухаревская, дом 11
Министр -- Владимир Колокольцев (). Быв министр Нургалиев, Рашид Гумарович, генерал армии (с 2004).
Генерал армии, кандидат экономических наук Нургалиев Рашид Гумарович родился в 1956 году в семье кадровых сотрудников милиции. В 1974 году окончил среднюю школу поселка Надвоицы Карельской АССР. В том же году поступил в Петрозаводский государственный университет им. О.B. Куусинена, который окончил в 1979 году.
С 1979 по 1981 гг. работал преподавателем физики в школе поселка Надвоицы Карельской АССР.
В 1981 году начал службу в Комитете государственной безопасности Карельской АССР, где прошел путь от оперуполномоченного Калевальского районного отделения и Костомукшского городского отдела до начальника Медвежегорского районного отделения и начальника отдела по борьбе с терроризмом Республики Карелия.
С 1995 года проходил службу в центральном аппарате Федеральной службы контрразведки, а затем Федеральной службы безопасности: главным инспектором Организационно-инспекторского управления, начальником отдела управления собственной безопасности, с 1998 по 1999 гг. руководил отделом Главного контрольного управления Президента РФ. С 1999 года возглавлял управление по борьбе с контрабандой и незаконным оборотом наркотиков Департамента экономической безопасности, в дальнейшем являлся заместителем Директора - начальником инспекторского управления ФСБ России.
В 2002 году назначен на должность Первого заместителя Министра внутренних дел России.
9 марта 2004 года назначен на должность Министра внутренних дел Российской Федерации.
Женат, двое детей. Любимый город Петрозаводск.
Previous Minister was GRYZLOV, Boris (RIA Novosti, 28 Mar 01).
Previous Minister:
RUSHAYLO, Vladimir (Lenta.ru, 12:24 MT, 12 Jul 00), was appointed Secretary of the Security Council (RIA Novosti, 28 Mar 01).
First Deputy Minister, State Secretary --- VASILYEV, Vladimir (Kommersant, 5 Jul 01).
A veteran central MVD official, rather than a St. Petersburger, and appears to have been brought in because he was a foe of Rushaylo. Vasilyev was made first deputy minister and state secretary of the MVD ( Sobraniye, 2 Apri 01, p. 3227) at the same time as Gryzlov's appointment as minister. Grani.ru (28 Mar 01) said Vasilyev was a specialist in fighting economic crime and did much to bring professional law enforcement officers back into the MVD but found it impossible to work under Rushaylo and, when the latter became minister, Vasilyev quickly found a job in the Security Council. Grani.ru said his popularity in the MVD is common knowledge and Vasilyev is not bound by any commitments to oligarchs.
Deputy Minister, Commander of Internal Troops --- TIKHOMIROV, Vyacheslav, Col-Gen, appointed by Acting President Putin, (lenta.ru, 21:17 MT. 22 Jan 00).
Deputy Minister and Chief of the Federal Service for Economic and Tax Crimes --- VERYOVKIN-ROKHALSKY, Sergey, Lt-Gen, appointed (ITAR-TASS, 25 Mar 03).
Deputy Minister, Chief of the Criminal Police Sservice ---. NURGALIYEV, Rashid, Colonel-General (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 2 Jul 02).
Deputy Minister, Chief of Rear Support Service --- IGNATYEV, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Lt-Gen (Rossiyskaya Gazeta 12 Jul 01 P 2).
Deputy Minister, Chief of Public Security Service --- CHEKALIN, Aleksandr, Col-Gen (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 10 Jul 01).
· Apparently responsible for the GOVD for the city of Mezhgore, the UVD for Beloretsk-15, and the UVD for Beloretsk-16 (Otechestvo, No 3, 21 Feb 00).
Chief --- TEREKHOV, A.A. (Otechestvo, No 3, 21 Feb 00).
Criminal Investigation Directorate [MVD Main Staff]
Head --- Gordiyenko, Vladimir, Major General (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 2 Jul 01).
Gordiyenko joined the police in 1970. A native of the city of Kemerovo, southern Siberia, he started the career from a post of police inspector. Later he taught in a higher educational establishment and then was transferred to Moscow where he became senior inspector in the main criminal investigation department. For some time he headed the criminal investigation department in Uzbekistan, but then returned to Moscow to assume the post of first deputy head of a department in the Interior Ministry. Gordiyenko is a candidate of legal sciences. He has been awarded the Order of Courage and personal arms. His colleagues characterise him as a high-class professional (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 2 Jul 01).
Criminal Police Service [MVD Main Staff]
(Deputy Minister) Chief of the Criminal Police Sservice ---. NURGALIYEV, Rashid, Colonel-General (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 2 Jul 02).
[ Nurgaliyev previously worked in the economic security department of the Federal Security Service (FSB), where he headed the section for combating the illegal drug turnover. Prior to his current appointment he was deputy director and head of the inspection department in the FSB (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 2 Jul 02).]
[His predecessor was -- Bobrovskiy, Nikolay Leonidovich, Major-General, appointed (Rossiyskaya Gazeta 12 Jul 01 P 2). BOBROVSKIY was born in Ivanovo in 1952, graduated from the USSR KGB elite educational institutions, and has served for around 25 years in the state security and foreign intelligence organs. He has great experience in operational work. During the last few years he has worked in the Russian Federation Presidential Staff and the government apparatus and was deputy minister for taxes and levies. Evidently the main thing in N. Bobrovskiy's biography, which has determined his current appointment, is his affiliation with the SVR [Foreign Intelligence Service]. (Rossiyskaya Gazeta 12 Jul 01 P 2).]
[Previous Chief was GURYEV, Valeriy, Lieutenant-General, appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 21 Dec 00). Guryev worked as chief of the ministry's department for curbing economic crimes. Guryev was born in the Tambov region in 1951, graduated from the Tambov Pedagogical Institute and the Interior Ministry Academy. He has been with the police since 1973 and worked all the way up from investigator to department chief. The federal criminal police committee was set up in December 2000 and is the main body in the Russian Interior Ministry dealing with the organised crime. (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 21 Dec 00).
[Previous Head of the Organized Crime Police --- OVCHINNIKOV, Aleksandr (ITAR-TASS, 7 Feb 02).]
Main Department for Fighting Organized Crime [Criminal Police Service]
Deputy Head --- Gorshkov, Vladimir (ITAR-TASS, 7 Feb 02).
Special Rapid-Reaction Unit (SOBR) [Criminal Police Service]
(ITAR-TASS, 7 Feb 02).
Criminal Police Committee, Federal [MVD Main Staff]
· [Supposedly disbanded --- Kommersant has gotten hold of the text of [Russian Internal Affairs Minister] Boris Gryzlov's Order No. 585 on the reform of the MVD [Ministry of Internal Affairs]. According to this document the minister has decided to disband his predecessor Vladimir Rushaylo's brainchild, the Federal Criminal Police Committee. It will be replaced by the MVD's Criminal Police Service, which will comprise all the power ministry main administrations. But no room has been found for the Administration for Combating Crime in the High Technology Sphere ( R Administration) in the new structure (Kommersant 22 Jun 01 P 1).]
Drug Trafficking, Directorate for Combating (UBNON) [MVD Main Staff]
(Segodnya 29 Nov 00 p 1).
Economic Crime, Main Directorate for Combating (GUBEP) [MVD Main Staff]
Chief --- ORLOV, Alexey, Major-General, (ITAR-TASS, 19 Nov 02).
[Previous Chief was NINO, Nikolay, Maj-Gen. Appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 21 Dec 00). Nino was born in the south-western Siberian Omsk region in 1957. After service in the army, he worked at a defence industry plant and simultaneously studied at a higher educational establishment. In 1983, he became a senior official of a district police department, later entered the Department for Combating Socialist Property Misappropriation of the Omsk region. Nino joined the Interior Ministry in 1990. Having started with the position of envoy, he graduated from the Interior Ministry Academy in 1997. Prior to his current post, he worked as first deputy chief of his present department. (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 21 Dec 00).]
Extra-Departmental Security, Main Directorate for (Главного управления вневедомственной охраны (ГУВО))
(Вечерний Новосибирск, 19 Nov 2002).
Internal Security Directorate
Chief --- ROMODANOVSKIY, Konstantin, Major-General (Moskovskiy Komsomolets 24 May 01 P 6).
[ Since he was appointed internal affairs minister Boris Gryzlov has been replacing former leaders of the department's subdivisions either with men from St. Petersburg or else with former security officials who served in the FSB at the same time as Vladimir Putin. Konstantin Romodanovskiy also worked under the incumbent president in the counterintelligence service -- he was deputy chief of the counterintelligence service's USB. It is clear that it was this which determined Boris Gryzlov's choice. The MVD USB itself has received the new appointment calmly. The point is that in the counterintelligence service Konstantin Romodanovskiy had a reputation as an intellectual and an analyst who knows how to deal not only with subordinates but also with representatives of the mass media (Kommersant 30 May 01 P3).
Investigations Committee
Head --- MOZYAKOV, Vitaly (Agentstvo voyennykh novostey, 4 Apr 01).
[Mozyakov, from the Leningrad Oblast prosecutor's office, was named deputy minister and head of the Investigations Committee (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 4 April 01 Kommersant, 5 April 01 Segodnya, 5 April 01 Sobraniye, 9 April 01, p. 3349).]
Organized Crime, Main Directorate for Combating (GUBOP) [MVD Main Staff]
(Segodnya 29 Nov 00 p 1).
Personnel and Personnel Policy, Main Directorate for [MVD Main Staff]
Chief (Deputy Minister) --- SOLOVYEV, Yevgeniy (Kommersant, 5 April Moskovskiy Komsomolets, 7 April Sobraniye, 9 April, p. 3348).
[A Federal Security Service (FSB) official from St. Petersburg (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 4 April 01), According to Kommersant (5 April), Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey (4 April), and , Solovyev had been deputy director of the FSB and headed the FSB personnel administration. Kommersant (5 April) reported he had worked 20 years in the FSB, part of the time under Putin.]
Public Order, Main Directorate for Assuring [MVD Main Staff]
Passport and Visa Service
First Deputy Director --- Maj-Gen. SMORODIN, Nikolay (Krasnaya Zvezda, 15 Feb 03).
Public Security Service
Chief (Deputy Minister) --- Chekalin, Aleksandr Alekseyevich, Colonel-General (Rossiyskaya Gazeta 12 Jul 01 P 2).
[ Hero of the Russian Federation, has become chief of the Public Security Service. He was born in the city of Vereya in Moscow Oblast in 1947 he has a technical and legal higher education and graduated from the MVD Academy. Since August 2000 he has been Russian Federation deputy minister of internal affairs. He spent a long time in the Chechen Republic. A. Chekalin is one of the most experienced MVD leaders. (Rossiyskaya Gazeta 12 Jul 01 P 2).]
6th ( R ) Directorate (Radio Intelligence and Combating Crime in the Hi-tech Area) [MVD Main Staff]
[ Usually known in the directorate as the intelligence department. In terms of its official duties the sixth department was responsible for suppressing interference on the frequencies used by the MVD. Something like a radio state traffic inspectorate. (Moskovskiy Komsomolets 27 Jun 01 PP 1-2). Supposedly abolished by Ministerial Order # 585. (Kommersant in Russian 22 Jun 01 P 1).]
Chief --- KUDINOV, Viktor. -General (Nezavisimaya Gazeta in Russian 08 May 01).
[Previous Chief was --- CHEPCHUGOV, Dmitriy (Moskovskiy Komsomolets 16 Feb 01).]
Siberian Federal District, Main Department for [MVD Main Staff]
[ Skovorodin was born in the town of Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan, in 1953. He graduated from Omsk police college in 1972 and the USSR Interior Ministry Academy in 1980. He worked in criminal investigation departments in the town of Kurgan and the Kurgan region. He started service in a police department as investigator in 1972, eight years later he became deputy head and then head of the criminal investigation department in the Kurgan region. Skovorodin has been head of the regional police department since 1987 and became head of the police department of the Perm region in 2000 (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 30 Jul 01 ).]
Tax Police
Deputy Minister and Chief of the Federal Service for Economic and Tax Crimes --- VERYOVKIN-ROKHALSKY, Sergey, Lt-Gen, appointed (ITAR-TASS, 25 Mar 03).
[Veryovkin-Rokhalsky: acting director of the Federal Tax Police Service until the completion of reorganization measures connected with the abolition of this structure. V. 55, was born into a family of a military serviceman. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics in 1972. From 1972, worked in security services of the former Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, of Astrakhan, and the Russian Far Eastern cities of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladivostok. Was chief of the Sakhalin regional branch of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in 1993-99 and chief of the Maritime regional arm of FSB in 1999-2000. Deputy tax minister since April 2000 and deputy director of the Federal Tax Police Service since March 2001. First deputy director of the Federal Tax Police Service from August 2001 to March 2003. Married and has a son. (ITAR-TASS, 25 Mar 03).]
Transport Police, Main Department for [MVD Main Staff]
Head --- ZAKHARENKOV, Vyacheslav, Maj-Gen (ITAR-TASS, 5 Jan 03).
[ An overhaul of Russia's interior troops is expected to be completed by late 2005. They will be downsized by 33,700 servicemen, commander-in-chief of the Russian interior forces Col. Gen. Vyacheslav Tikhomirov told journalists on Monday. The interior troops are currently some 200,000 strong. (Interfax, 13 May 02).]
INTERNAL TROOPS CINC ( Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs) --- TIKHOMIROV, Vyacheslav Valentinovich, Gen Army, Appointed by Acting President Putin, (Lenta.ru, 21:17 MT. 22 January 2000). (Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kuryer, 24 Mar 04).
[Previous CINC, OVCHINNIKOV, Vyacheslav, Col-Gen, was releaved of duty and transferred to other work. (Lenta.ru, 21:17 MT. 22 January 2000).]
First Deputy Commander --- BARANOV, Valeriy, Col-Gen. Appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02).
[ Baranov was born in the Orenburg region in 1948. He graduated from the Kazan higher tank command college, Armored Troops Academy and General Staff Academy. He was commander of a platoon, company, regiment, division and army corps in the Trans-Baikal military district, later held several posts in the Moscow military district. Before the current appointment he was deputy commander of the North Caucasus military district (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02).
· [Previous Deputy, Lt-Gen Nikolay Garidov, was killed in a helicopter crash in Chechnya (ITAR-TASS, 27 Jan 02).]
First Deputy Commander (Chief of Staff) ROGOZHKIN, Nikolay, Col-Gen appointed, (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02 noted as a Col-Gen, Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kuryer, 28 Jan 04).
[TOPCHIY, BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: born 7 February 1954 in Tambov. He graduated from the USSR MVD Higher Political School in 1977, and from the Lenin Military-Political Academy in 1986. In 1995 he became a department chief in the Personnel Work Directorate of the RF MVD Internal Troops, and in 1999 Deputy Commander of the Moscow Internal Troops' District. (Krasnaya Zvezda, 4 Jun 03).]
Deputy Commander (Aviation) --- PYLNEV, Yuriy Major-General appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02).
[ Pylnev was born in the Tambov region in 1952. He graduated from the Tambov higher air force pilots college, Gagarin Air Force Academy and General Staff Academy. He served in the long-range aviation as commander of an aircraft, unit, squadron, aircraft regiment, aviation division and at other posts. Before the current appointment Pylnev was deputy commander of an Air Force army (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02).]
Deputy Commander (Armaments) --- ROVENSKY, Pyotr, Lt-Gen. (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 26 Feb 03 Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 01 Dec 03).
Deputy Commander (Combat Training) --- LAZEBIN, Yevgeniy, Major-General. Appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02).
[ Lazebin was born in the Altai territory in 1955. He graduated from the Omsk higher joint-arms command college, Frunze Military Academy and General Staff Academy. He commanded a motorized rifle platoon, company, battalion, regiment and Taman division in the Moscow military district. Before the current appointment Lazebin was chief-of-staff and first deputy commander of an army corps in the Siberian military district (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 14 Aug 02).]
46th Internal Troops Brigade [Internal Troops]
[Permanently deployed in Chechnya. (ITAR-TASS, 19 May 00). Headquaters in Groznyy, Its units are expected to be located in Urus-Martan and in the area of the villages of Shali, Kalinovskaya and Chervlyonaya. (Interfax, 12 Sep 00).]
Deputy Commander --- DEMCHENKO, Vladimir, Col (Interfaks 3 Aug 00).
102nd Internal Troops Brigade
Deployed in Makhachkala (ITAR-TASS, 11 Apr 02).
Nozhay-Yurtovskiy District (ITAR-TASS, 14 Oct 02).
[ Melikov was born in the Moscow region in 1965. He graduated from the Saratov higher military command college of the Interior Ministry troops and Frunze Military Academy. Melikov served in the North Caucasus district of the Interior Ministry troops and accomplished service and combat tasks in Chechnya. From March 2001 Melikov was acting commander of the division (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 2 Jul 02).]
[ Commander of an Interior Ministry battalion and a serviceman of the battalion have died in Chechnya. 'The incident happened on a motorway several kilometers from the Samashki village in the Achkhoi-Martan district at about 6:00 p.m. Moscow time (1400 GMT) on Monday,' … terrorist act killed Lieutenant Colonel Tsindeliani, commander of the 383rd separate operational purpose battalion of the Interior Ministry troops. (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 24 Sep 02).]
Chief-of-Staff and First Deputy Commander --- Fomenko, Gennady, Major-General (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 29 Mar 01).
[ Fomenko was born in 1955, graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Command College of the Soviet Interior Ministry and the General Staff Academy. He commanded units and formations of the Interior Ministry troops, including an operational regiment of the troops' North Caucasus district. His previous appointment is commander of a separate operational brigade in the Moscow district. Fomenko took part in the anti-guerrilla operation in Chechnya and received the title of the Hero of Russia for merits displayed there (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 29 Mar 01).]
Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Internal Troops [Internal Troops]
Head --- STOLYAROV, Aleksandr, Maj-Gen (Krasnaya Zvezda, 18 Jun 01).
Press Service [Internal Troops]
Chief --- PANCHENKOV, Vasiliy Col. (Krasnaya Zvezda, 4 February 03).
Sosnovyy Bor Regiment [Northwestern District ]
Guard force for All-Russia Federal Nuclear Center at Sarov (Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kuryer, 28 Jan 04).
Commander --- Alebastrov, Colonel Aleksandr (Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kuryer, 28 Jan 04).
Rear Services [Internal Troops]
Chief of Staff --- BOGOMOLOV, Aleksandr Fedorovich, Major-General (Krasnaya Zvezda 6 Mar 03).
Commander --- ROMANOV, Vladimir, Maj-Gen. Appointed (Agentstvo voyennykh novostey, 3 Aug 00).
Volga Internal Troops Operational-Territorial Formation [Internal Troops]
Commander --- Zmeyev, Mikhail, Major-General. Appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 12 Mar 01).
· Zmeyev: born in the Rostov region in 1953, graduated from the Interior Ministry higher military college in the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz) and the Frunze Military Academy. He became major-general in 1995 and served as deputy commander of the North Caucasus district of the Interior Ministry troops in 1996-1998. Was deputy commander of the Siberian district of the Interior Ministry troops in charge of combat training from 1998 to 2001. (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 12 Mar 01).
· Previous Commander was commander Colonel-General Alexander Muratov who in November 2000 was appointed chief federal inspector of the Chuvashian autonomous republic.
· начальник пресс-службы ПривО ВВ МВД РФ подполковник Игорь Софронов
--ИА ИФ-Регион (г. Нижний Новгород), 12.02.2003
Western Internal Troops Operational-Territorial Formation [Internal Troops]
Commander --- KOTOV, Yuriy, Major-General. Appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 14 Aug 02).
First Deputy Commander (Chief of Staff) --- ARTYBAKAYEV, Igor', Maj-Gen Appointed (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey 14 Aug 02).
Unidentified Subordination
33rd Separate Spetsnaz Brigade
Stationed in the Lebyazhye village of the Leningrad region: will be the first to be manned with professional servicemen (Agentstvo Voyennykh Novostey, 24 Jan 03).